I have decided to change my blog and have created a completely different one. I no longer use the email/username this blog was created under and have no way to change it.
Please head over to Loving My Life to see the new blog and keep up with our crazy little family! I enjoy having all my readers and hope to have you all follow me there :)
August 8, 2011
May 18, 2011
He is with me - but I am not with Him!
Do you ever have those days where you feel very disconnected? It might be from your spouse, kids, parents, or friends; it could also be from God. Lately, a lot of my days have been very disconnected and mostly from God. This somehow also leads me to be distant from everyone else, as well.
I can't pinpoint exactly what happened that knocked me off my path, but I haven't been on it in a very long time. It is hard for me to admit that because I am a very strong believer in faith and I know God is there to see me through whatever may come. But, lately I just don't have the relationship I need and want with our Savior - it is missing.
My house is a very busy place. Some days we meet each other coming and going while other days we do well to say hello. Yes, we realize this isn't healthy, but we do what we can when we can. My husband works very hard as a college professor and I am a substitute teacher for the county school system. We also have many other activities on top of our full-time jobs, but not any we are willing to give up because most of them have to do with church and/or our relationship with God. So - we press on in to our busy lives.
I have noticed lately that my husband is continuing to strengthen his relationship with God each day despite the growing busyness. While noticing this, I also realized mine is growing weaker...wow, didn't see that coming, or did I?!?
Since leaving Grant's Chapel in 2009, when my husband received his appointment as a bi-vocational pastor, I have been slipping further and further away from the faith and my relationship with God that I have known for so long. Because Charlie pastors two churches, I don't get the chance to attend Sunday School at either church. I didn't realize how much I missed that until recently. At Grant's our Sunday School class was a great time for fellowship, friendship, and sharing. Sometimes we made it to our lesson and sometimes the lesson came out of someones need or weekly event during class that particular day. Whatever happened, I was sure to leave there feeling empowered by the Holy Spirit and ready to face my week. I miss that feeling and the assurance that came from it.
I am now on a mission of my own to find what I have lost and get it back 10 fold. I need God on my side every minute of every day! But, I am not the type of person who can find that strength by studying the word alone. I want to fellowship with others who encounter the same struggles. I want to dig deep into God's word and will for my life with others who have the same yearning for him. I need to find peace and comfort in my daily life so I can show God's love to everyone I encounter daily.
I began looking at a Bible study yesterday called "Desperate Women of the Bible" by Jo Kaldecek. It is a study of the un-named women in the Bible and the trials they endured. Just one chapter into the book, I am anxious to lead a study group with this book. I am in the process of asking some friends if they would like to join me and beginning to put it together as I will teach it. Please pray for me as I make this journey to get back on my path and as I lead a study that I will bring someone else to their path or at least help them along the one they are already on.
I can't pinpoint exactly what happened that knocked me off my path, but I haven't been on it in a very long time. It is hard for me to admit that because I am a very strong believer in faith and I know God is there to see me through whatever may come. But, lately I just don't have the relationship I need and want with our Savior - it is missing.
My house is a very busy place. Some days we meet each other coming and going while other days we do well to say hello. Yes, we realize this isn't healthy, but we do what we can when we can. My husband works very hard as a college professor and I am a substitute teacher for the county school system. We also have many other activities on top of our full-time jobs, but not any we are willing to give up because most of them have to do with church and/or our relationship with God. So - we press on in to our busy lives.
I have noticed lately that my husband is continuing to strengthen his relationship with God each day despite the growing busyness. While noticing this, I also realized mine is growing weaker...wow, didn't see that coming, or did I?!?
Since leaving Grant's Chapel in 2009, when my husband received his appointment as a bi-vocational pastor, I have been slipping further and further away from the faith and my relationship with God that I have known for so long. Because Charlie pastors two churches, I don't get the chance to attend Sunday School at either church. I didn't realize how much I missed that until recently. At Grant's our Sunday School class was a great time for fellowship, friendship, and sharing. Sometimes we made it to our lesson and sometimes the lesson came out of someones need or weekly event during class that particular day. Whatever happened, I was sure to leave there feeling empowered by the Holy Spirit and ready to face my week. I miss that feeling and the assurance that came from it.
I am now on a mission of my own to find what I have lost and get it back 10 fold. I need God on my side every minute of every day! But, I am not the type of person who can find that strength by studying the word alone. I want to fellowship with others who encounter the same struggles. I want to dig deep into God's word and will for my life with others who have the same yearning for him. I need to find peace and comfort in my daily life so I can show God's love to everyone I encounter daily.
I began looking at a Bible study yesterday called "Desperate Women of the Bible" by Jo Kaldecek. It is a study of the un-named women in the Bible and the trials they endured. Just one chapter into the book, I am anxious to lead a study group with this book. I am in the process of asking some friends if they would like to join me and beginning to put it together as I will teach it. Please pray for me as I make this journey to get back on my path and as I lead a study that I will bring someone else to their path or at least help them along the one they are already on.
February 9, 2011
Stepping Into the Past Part 1 of ?
A few months back, I took a small interest in finding out about my family tree. I feel that Lawson will want/need this information later in life, to understand his heritage on both sides of his family. I worked on it for a few days, and then kind of lost interest from lack of knowing where to look and how to begin. I had set up a free account at Ancestry's website, but could not follow the links without paying the subscription fee; I was not prepared to do this at the time. So, I let it go...
Fast forward to last Thursday evening. My husband works at Walters State Community College and found out they were doing a performance of "Walk Toward the Sunset" - a play about the Melungeon people of Hancock County, TN. Because his family history traces back to these people, he was anxious to see this performace - so we went! This was what set off the past few days of my life. I have been tracing family history since that night and cannot stop! I have looked at his family and my family, on both sides; the deeper I dig, the more I find.
I am excited about beginning to trace this for Lawson and being able to have paper and online record of everything I find. I want him to understand where his family comes from and I am anxious to find out more about my family, but even more about Charlie's. Charlie's family has such interesting trace and I am excited to see where my research will lead.
I am sure I will post as I find new and interesting details...I hope you will enjoy hearing about my searches as much I am will enjoy sharing my findings!
Fast forward to last Thursday evening. My husband works at Walters State Community College and found out they were doing a performance of "Walk Toward the Sunset" - a play about the Melungeon people of Hancock County, TN. Because his family history traces back to these people, he was anxious to see this performace - so we went! This was what set off the past few days of my life. I have been tracing family history since that night and cannot stop! I have looked at his family and my family, on both sides; the deeper I dig, the more I find.
I am excited about beginning to trace this for Lawson and being able to have paper and online record of everything I find. I want him to understand where his family comes from and I am anxious to find out more about my family, but even more about Charlie's. Charlie's family has such interesting trace and I am excited to see where my research will lead.
I am sure I will post as I find new and interesting details...I hope you will enjoy hearing about my searches as much I am will enjoy sharing my findings!
December 3, 2010
A New Beginning
I would like to warn you now...this will be long. If you make it to the end, thanks :)
Thanksgiving is always a great day to reflect on the past year and all the blessings you have received. I must admit, even after losing my sister in 2004 early on Thanksgiving morning, I still love the holiday! But, it seems like it is a little cursed for me at this point!
This year has been tough on my husband and me. We have been very busy and seemed like we never saw each other or spent any time together. There have been lots of arguments - even fights. But, through it all, we never gave up because at the end of the day, we are truly in love with each other.
Charlie hasn't been feeling well for a long time now, but no doctor could, or would, figure out exactly what was going on. We know he has diabetes - he figured that out on his own while teaching his class how to check blood sugar levels. Still something has not been right. He has been short of breath, tiring easily, and other symptoms that indicated a problem with his heart. But, after multiple trips to the hospital, blood work, EKG's, and stress tests, there was nothing showing up that could be wrong.
Thanksgiving Day was one of those "pick" days for us. Charlie wasn't feeling well again and I kept insisting he go to the doctor; he, of course, would not go. So, every time we were alone, I said something about it again. By the end of the night, it had turned into a full blown fight...about absolutely nothing!
Fast forward about an hour - I was quite certain my husband was having a heart attack in our living room. But, because of his stubborn nature, he was not going to the doctor nor was I calling 911...he assured me he would not go to the hospital if I did call! So, I gave up...I told him fine and I sat down on the couch and started knitting. A few minutes later, he decided he maybe should see what was going on.
So, I took him to South station in Dandridge so the medics on the truck could do an EKG - that was the closest we were getting to help at the time! After the EKG showing now difference, the medics (who were on my side, thank goodness) talked him into going on to the hospital; I did find out later the only reason he went was so I wouldn't worry - whatever got him there is fine!
Fast forward again - or this will be a book! Friday afternoon the cardiologist decided, in light of past results, to not do any tests that had already been done. He wanted to skip them all and do the heart cath - I was scared and relieved at the same time, as was Charlie. We wanted to know what was going on! Well, we sure did find out; the results of the heart cath showed 4 blockages in his heart - one 100% and three 70%. The next thing we know, he is on the way to UT Knoxville for bypass surgery.
I cannot even begin to explain to you what happened to me when I found out this was happening - my mental train wrecked and I stayed that way until yesterday...seriously!
So, we get to UTK and are informed the surgery will probably not be until Monday...what, really?!?!?!? This meant we would sit in the hospital all weekend to worry about what was to come. Thank God a doctor was sent to us who had no plans of that happening; the surgery would be Saturday morning at 8:00 am.
I didn't sleep at all that night - mostly I just cried. I know there were people all over praying and that God was in the midst of it all, but all I could think about was "what if something happens to him?". I am just not sure I can do this thing called life alone!
God came through, as He always does :) Charlie's surgery went well and his recovery is also. We were able to come home on Wednesday following the surgery. The doctor is very pleased with his progress so far; he is doing quite well considering the caliber of surgery he went through. Now we just pray the recovery continues to progress as it should and that he can stay on track with the plans.
We are celebrating our 6th anniversary today, and it just seems so much sweeter now. Through everything this year, and now this huge health scare, we know that together we will make it through anything. This is a brand new beginning for us and we are ready!
Thanksgiving is always a great day to reflect on the past year and all the blessings you have received. I must admit, even after losing my sister in 2004 early on Thanksgiving morning, I still love the holiday! But, it seems like it is a little cursed for me at this point!
This year has been tough on my husband and me. We have been very busy and seemed like we never saw each other or spent any time together. There have been lots of arguments - even fights. But, through it all, we never gave up because at the end of the day, we are truly in love with each other.
Charlie hasn't been feeling well for a long time now, but no doctor could, or would, figure out exactly what was going on. We know he has diabetes - he figured that out on his own while teaching his class how to check blood sugar levels. Still something has not been right. He has been short of breath, tiring easily, and other symptoms that indicated a problem with his heart. But, after multiple trips to the hospital, blood work, EKG's, and stress tests, there was nothing showing up that could be wrong.
Thanksgiving Day was one of those "pick" days for us. Charlie wasn't feeling well again and I kept insisting he go to the doctor; he, of course, would not go. So, every time we were alone, I said something about it again. By the end of the night, it had turned into a full blown fight...about absolutely nothing!
Fast forward about an hour - I was quite certain my husband was having a heart attack in our living room. But, because of his stubborn nature, he was not going to the doctor nor was I calling 911...he assured me he would not go to the hospital if I did call! So, I gave up...I told him fine and I sat down on the couch and started knitting. A few minutes later, he decided he maybe should see what was going on.
So, I took him to South station in Dandridge so the medics on the truck could do an EKG - that was the closest we were getting to help at the time! After the EKG showing now difference, the medics (who were on my side, thank goodness) talked him into going on to the hospital; I did find out later the only reason he went was so I wouldn't worry - whatever got him there is fine!
Fast forward again - or this will be a book! Friday afternoon the cardiologist decided, in light of past results, to not do any tests that had already been done. He wanted to skip them all and do the heart cath - I was scared and relieved at the same time, as was Charlie. We wanted to know what was going on! Well, we sure did find out; the results of the heart cath showed 4 blockages in his heart - one 100% and three 70%. The next thing we know, he is on the way to UT Knoxville for bypass surgery.
I cannot even begin to explain to you what happened to me when I found out this was happening - my mental train wrecked and I stayed that way until yesterday...seriously!
So, we get to UTK and are informed the surgery will probably not be until Monday...what, really?!?!?!? This meant we would sit in the hospital all weekend to worry about what was to come. Thank God a doctor was sent to us who had no plans of that happening; the surgery would be Saturday morning at 8:00 am.
I didn't sleep at all that night - mostly I just cried. I know there were people all over praying and that God was in the midst of it all, but all I could think about was "what if something happens to him?". I am just not sure I can do this thing called life alone!
God came through, as He always does :) Charlie's surgery went well and his recovery is also. We were able to come home on Wednesday following the surgery. The doctor is very pleased with his progress so far; he is doing quite well considering the caliber of surgery he went through. Now we just pray the recovery continues to progress as it should and that he can stay on track with the plans.
We are celebrating our 6th anniversary today, and it just seems so much sweeter now. Through everything this year, and now this huge health scare, we know that together we will make it through anything. This is a brand new beginning for us and we are ready!
October 22, 2010
Long time...so sorry!
Wow, I didn't realize until today how long it has been since I posted! Life has been crazy and I have neglected everything :(
So, I will do short updates for you on life events...maybe that will keep this post from becoming a small novel :)
Wiley and Siara got married on September 18. The wedding was beautiful and everything went great! Please just keep them in your prayers at this point though; I do not wish to go into detail, but God knows the need.
Monika - my heart sister - has given birth to a precious baby girl, Sophia Belle! She made her debut into the world one month ago today, on September 22, 2010. She was born at 9:11 am weighing 6 lbs. 12 oz. and she is beautiful, though I am a bit bias!
Last week we finally got to go on vacation...and it was much needed! We left on Thursday and headed to Myrtle Beach; it was me, my hubby, our little man, and my Dad. Now, my Dad hates the beach - anything outdoors really - but he goes with us because of Lawson :) We spent the weekend having a blast at the beach, swimming in the pool, eating, and shopping...it was wonderful! I hated for Monday to come so quickly, but was indeed ready to come home - as was the rest of my crew.
I have also made a change with me - I got my hair cut...short :) I love it...I want it shorter in the back once the cut is complete; it is a work in progress! Whatcha think...?
Ok...I think that is the short version of all that has happened! I will try to do better from now on and blog more than once a month :)
September 14, 2010
I hardly ever win anything, but I love to enter contests. Well, lately I have won several, but last night takes the cake so far!
I support United Way and am a fan of a local chapter on Facebook. Well, yesterday afternoon they did a contest for concert tickets to see The Band Perry at The Tennessee Valley Fair. So, on a whim, I entered thinking there was no way I would win...WRONG! I did win...then the mess started...
How hard can it be to find someone to go to a FREE concert with you?!? Well, apparently very hard, especially when the concert starts 5 hours after you win the tickets!!! I posted on Facebook that I won and needed someone to go with me...and waited...and waited... I couldn't wait any longer so I started calling/texting people to see if they could go...no one could go. This went on for a while and ended with me bummed out, crying in the shower because I wasn't gonna get to go...yes, I am pathetic, I know!
Finally, the first person I called texted me and said she could go but would have to take her little girl...WOOT!!! So, at 7:00 pm - 1 hour before concert start time - we are loading a 1 year old, a 4 year old, two strollers, and all our junk in my van to head to Knoxville :) We had to drive to the United Way office, where my tickets were taped to the front door, then back to the fair grounds for the concert...off we went and I was stoked!
Well, we made it to United Way and then to the fair grounds. We walked into the concert at 8:05...man we are good :) The concert was great and both kids LOVED it. I was so proud of my little man for actually hanging out through the entire concert!
I must say, if you ever get the chance to see The Band Perry, go...they were great!

I support United Way and am a fan of a local chapter on Facebook. Well, yesterday afternoon they did a contest for concert tickets to see The Band Perry at The Tennessee Valley Fair. So, on a whim, I entered thinking there was no way I would win...WRONG! I did win...then the mess started...
How hard can it be to find someone to go to a FREE concert with you?!? Well, apparently very hard, especially when the concert starts 5 hours after you win the tickets!!! I posted on Facebook that I won and needed someone to go with me...and waited...and waited... I couldn't wait any longer so I started calling/texting people to see if they could go...no one could go. This went on for a while and ended with me bummed out, crying in the shower because I wasn't gonna get to go...yes, I am pathetic, I know!
Finally, the first person I called texted me and said she could go but would have to take her little girl...WOOT!!! So, at 7:00 pm - 1 hour before concert start time - we are loading a 1 year old, a 4 year old, two strollers, and all our junk in my van to head to Knoxville :) We had to drive to the United Way office, where my tickets were taped to the front door, then back to the fair grounds for the concert...off we went and I was stoked!
Well, we made it to United Way and then to the fair grounds. We walked into the concert at 8:05...man we are good :) The concert was great and both kids LOVED it. I was so proud of my little man for actually hanging out through the entire concert!
I must say, if you ever get the chance to see The Band Perry, go...they were great!
And, since my little guy was so great during the concert, he of course got to enjoy the fair as well...
September 9, 2010
As I shared in a previous post, my knitting has become an addiction! Well, I have decided to try a business venture with it and would like to introduce you to my new business name...
I started with a different name, but found it was too close to several already in use. So, the search began and it took a lot of time for me to come up with just the right name. But, the name I settled on seems to fit me very well :) The logo was another task...it was created by Tatorbug Creations and I think it is perfect for me! Stephanie is also a saint to put up with my particular ways but she is wonderful to work with ;)
I have an abundance of baby hats and am working on a couple of new projects now...I hope to share them early next week! I have opened up my Etsy Shop and plan to post items in it this weekend. You can also visit my fan page on Facebook - Hip Knits.
Let me know if there is an item you would like and if I don't have it, I will make it. If I have never made it, I will try it! I hope to learn many new projects in the coming weeks and be able to offer a large variety for all ages.
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