March 29, 2010

Wait, you want me to be in charge?!?

Wow life has been crazy busy lately! I am a member of an organization called The Order of the Eastern Star; it is the women's affiliation of the Masonic Lodge. Last week I was installed as Worthy Matron, which is head of the body for the year. I have been planning for this for 3 years now, because that is how long it takes to get to that position. It is definitely an honor to be elected as Worthy Matron of your chapter.

Friday night was the night - I was installed as Worthy Matron for the year. I spent most of Friday afternoon at our chapter decorating and getting ready for our meeting - with help from my wonderful hubby who went in as Worthy Patron. It is a huge deal to be elected for this position and a lot of people, from my chapter and others, came out to support me.

So, I spent the better part of the week shopping and getting everything together for Friday...and worrying! I know I shouldn't be so stressed, but this is a big deal and I was afraid of screwing up my first night in the East...ahhhh!!! But, things went well and I am very excited about the upcoming year. I have such a supportive chapter and I know we are going to do great things this year.

This is me and my great group of officers for the year! This picture also includes the officers that installed us that night. I am so lucky to have such a great group of people that have my back this year :)

March 24, 2010

A Day at the Park

Last Saturday was such a beautiful day there was no way it could go to waste! I decided to sign Lawson up for T-Ball this year so that is how our day began. He is pretty excited about playing and I think it will be good for him to focus his energy on a sport. After sign ups I decided to call a friend and see if her and her kiddos wanted to spend an afternoon at the was 65 degrees outside and there is no way I was letting that get away!

So, we met a Chick-Fil-A to grab a bite to eat and off to the park we went. Our kids love playing together and it gives me and Steph a chance to hang out. Here are some pictures of our Saturday afternoon at the park!

Lawson doing his favorite thing...climbing!

 Nathan just hanging out :)

                                                                               Sarah loves to swing

Three Amigos :)

March 17, 2010

Still Working

This morning I met with Lawson's therapist so we can start a behavior plan and charts. In a way the session was helpful, but in a way he didn't tell me anything I didn't already know to do. I did come out with a few suggestions that we are going to immediately put in place though.

Lawson must have clear boundaries - I knew this already. When teaching a child the proper behavior, they have to know exactly what to is expected of them - no gray area at all! Lawson is no different from any other child, but in some ways he must have a firmer grasp on this than a normal child; he must know, down to the last detail, what he is to do. And - he must be rewarded for doing it.

So, we will begin working on this now and hopefully next week the charts will come together :) I have an amazing little guy and all I want is what is best for him!!!

March 4, 2010

The little things...

With life being so busy, sometimes I feel like I don't have that "perfect" connection with Charlie anymore. We seem to see each other in passing lately and I miss out on things that used to happen when we had more time...things like the conversations about nothing in particular, or just stopping to say "I love you." Don't get me wrong, we still talk and we always say "I love you" but it is always in passing or in the midst of something else going on.

This morning, a friend of mine posted a video on Facebook and it brought back a particular memory. I want to share this video with you and then the memory it brought to me. (Sorry, couldn't figure out how to embed it to the post :/)

YouTube Video

One morning we were heading somewhere and we stopped to grab some breakfast on the way. I noticed when we pulled out of the drive through that he opened a straw and started to put it in his drink...then he stopped and put it in mine instead. For some reason this made me think about little things...little things that SO's do to let you know they love you. Sometimes it isn't flowers, candy, cards, or's the little things like putting a straw in your drink first!

This video is such a reminder of things we don't think about. What if one day you woke up and your spouse wasn't there? What if you didn't hear a particular sound your spouse makes that defines them to you?

I have not thought about this in a while, but I am challenging myself to remember the little things from now on. I am going to remember he loves me when he takes out the trash or does the dishes. I am going to cherish the sounds I hear from him - yes, even the "ugly" sounds! Marriage is about a partnership and sometimes the little things mean more than anyone could ever imagine!

So, next time you are having a hard day with your spouse ask yourself, "What are some of the little things he/she does to show me they love me?"

March 3, 2010

Meeting the Therapist

Yesterday was the day for my little guy...we met Dr. Munson who will be Lawson's therapist (and mine). I am very pleased with how our first visit went and I feel this is definitely a step in the right direction for us. Dr. Munson was super nice and he had a great temperament with Lawson. While we talked he was able to see first hand how Lawson jumps from one activity to another so quickly. He got a history on the family, to establish a pattern of behavior, and Lawson was all over the place the entire time we talked. While I would have normally tried to calm him, I wanted the doctor to see exactly what he is like.

Dr. Munson feels that some therapy will be the right way to begin with Lawson, and I am satisfied to begin there. I was glad to hear he did not immediately want to put him on medicine but try this alternative approach and see if it helps.

I see Dr. Munson for myself this afternoon and I think I am more nervous for me than I was for! Please keep praying for me and Lawson. He is such a smart little guy and I want what every mother wants - for him to succeed!